Cron jobs
Cron jobs, or scheduled jobs, are background jobs that are performed automatically based on a schedule. For example, if you want to send a newsletter to your users every week, you can create a background job and schedule it to run weekly using the built-in cron.
Defining scheduled jobs
A scheduled job is a regular background job, for example:
use rwf::prelude::*;
use rwf::job::{Error as JobError};
#[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct WeeklyNewsletter;
impl Job for WeeklyNewsletter {
/// Code in this function will be executed in
/// the background.
async fn execute(&self, _args: serde_json::Value) -> Result<(), JobError> {
// Send the newsletter to all users.
To run a job on a schedule, you need to add it in two places:
- The list of jobs the worker can run
- The crontab (or the clock, as we call it)