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For each HTTP request served by Rwf, a new Request struct is created. It contains the client IP address, browser headers, cookies, session information, and the request body.


Fetching headers sent by the client in the HTTP request can be done by calling the headers method on the request object inside a controller:

struct Index;

impl Controller for Index {
    // Handle HTTP request.
    async fn handle(&self, request: &Request) -> Result<Response, Error> {
        // Get the `Accept` header from the request.
        let accept = request

        if let Some(accept) = accept {
            Ok(Response::new().text(format!("Accept: {}", accept)));
        } else {


Headers in Rwf are case-insensitive, so accept and Accept are equivalent.

Most browsers send required headers like Origin, Accept, and User-Agent, but that doesn't mean all HTTP clients will. Checking for valid headers is good practice to avoid bad actors like bots. Read more about intercepting HTTP requests with Middleware.

Request body

For requests that include a body, like POST or PUT, the body can be read using multiple methods, depending on the expected content type.


HTTP forms submitted using POST (or PUT/PATCH) are encoded using either URL encoding or multipart encoding. Parsing the form data is automatically handled by Rwf, so accessing a form field can be done in a couple ways.

Form fields

let form = request.form_data();
let email = form.get::<String>("email");

if let Some(email) = email {
    // Create account.

Form fields are converted to a Rust type manually, by passing in the data type to the generic FormData::get function. All data types that implement the FromStr trait are supported, including integers, floats, boolean, and UUIDs.

Strictly-typed forms

Instead of parsing form fields manually on each request, you can define a Rust struct with the matching column names and data types to your form:

#[derive(Debug, macros::Form)]
struct UserForm {
    // required
    email: String,
    // required
    password: String,
    // optional
    password2: Option<String>,

let form = request.form::<UserForm>()?;

if form.password2.is_none() {
  return Ok(Response::bad_request());
  <input name="email" type="text" required>
  <input name="password" type="password" required>
  <input name="password2" type="password">


Rwf supports file uploads using multipart form encoding. A POST request with Content-Type: multipart/form-data containing files can be retrieved by their input name:

let form = request.form_data()?;
let file = form.file("file_upload");

if let Some(file) = file {
    let bytes = file.bytes();
    let name =;
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input type="file" name="file_upload">


Forms that wish to upload files need to have the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute. By default, HTML forms use application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding which will omit any unsupported inputs like files.


If the body is expected to be JSON, it can be read using the json method instead. The json method is generic and automatically converts the request body into a Rust struct using the serde_json crate:

use serde::Deserialize;

struct User {
    email: String,

let user = request.json::<User>()?;
  "email": ""

Unstructured JSON

If you don't know the schema of the JSON request, you can use json_raw instead, for example:

let json = request.json_raw()?;
println!("{}", json["id"]);
  "id": 5,
  "name": "New user"

Parsing errors

If you use FormData::get_required or Request::json methods with the ? operator, an error will be returned to the client automatically if the parsing of the form data fails. Unlike other controller errors that return 500 - Internal Server Error, this type of error will return 400 - Bad Request.

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