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Fetch records

Retrieve by primary key

Retrieving a record by primary key method accepts an integer and returns a single row corresponding to where the value of the id column equals to the integer:

let user = User::find(15)
    .fetch(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(, 15);
SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = $1

Searching records

Rwf supports searching records by any column in its respective table. For example, the User model has three columns, all of which are searchable:

use time::Duration;

let users = User::all()
  .filter("email", "")
  .filter_gte("created_at", OffsetDateTime::now_utc() - Duration::hours(1))
  .fetch_all(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(users.len(), 1);
SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "email" = $1 AND "created_at" >= $2
ID Value
$1 ''
$2 '2024-10-16T11:27:56-07:00'

Rwf supports multiple comparison operations for most data types:

Method Operator Example
filter = id = 5
not / filter_not != email != ''
filter_gt > created_at > NOW()
filter_lt < created_at < '2024-10-16'
filter_gte >= id >= 5
filter_lte <= id <= 25
filter IN id IN (1, 2, 3)
not NOT IN id NOT IN (4, 5, 6)

The filter (and not) methods accept lists of values (in Rust, those are called "slices") which translate to the IN and NOT IN filters in SQL respectively:

let users = User::all()
  .filter("email", &["", ""])
  .fetch_all(&mut conn)

assert_eq(users.len(), 2);
SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "email" = ANY($1)


= ANY('{1, 2, 3}') is equivalent to IN (1, 2, 3). In fact, when performing an index scan using an IN (or NOT IN) clause, the query is translated by the database to use ANY instead.

Search by NULL

Searching columns that have no value, i.e. the value is NULL, is a special case and is handled by passing the Value::Null explicitly:

let users = User::all()
  .filter("email", Value::Null)
  .fetch_all(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(users.len(), 0);
SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "email" IS NULL

Searching by the opposite, where a column is not NULL:

let users = User::all()
  .not("email", Value::Null)
  .count(&mut conn)

Optional results

When using fetch, if no rows exist, the ORM will return a RecordNotFound error. To avoid this, use fetch_optional which will return an Option instead:

let user = User::all()
  .fetch_optional(&mut conn)


Limiting results

Fetching many records at once can be inefficient and slow. To limit how many rows your queries return, you can add a LIMIT clause:

let first_25 = User::all()
  .fetch_all(&mut conn)

assert_eq!(first_25.len(), 25);
SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "id" LIMIT 25

Paginating results

Pagination is supported using the OFFSET clause:

let next_25 = User::all()
  .fetch_all(&mut conn)

Ordering results

It's often more efficient and simpler to order rows in the database instead of in the application. Rwf supports ordering by any column in the query, by specifying them using the order method:

let users = User::all()
  .order(("id", "DESC"))
  .fetch_all(&mut conn)
SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "email", "id" DESC

Locking rows

In busy production applications, it's common for the same row to be accessed from multiple places at the same time. If you'd like to prevent that row from being accessed while you're doing something to it, for example updating it with new values, you can use a row-level lock:

let transaction = Pool::transaction().await?;

let user = User::find(15)
    .fetch(&mut transaction)

SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = $1 FOR UPDATE;

The lock on the row(s) returned by a query last only for the duration of the transaction. It's common to use that time to update multiple tables that have some kind of relationship to the row being locked. This mechanism allows to perform atomic operations (all or nothing) in a concurrent environment without data races or inconsistencies.