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Update records

Rwf allows to update records using two mechanisms:

  • Update a single record by calling Model::save on an instance of a model
  • Update multiple records using one query by using Model::update_all

Update a single record

Updating a single record can be done by mutating struct instance fields and calling save:

// Get an instance of a User model
let user = User::all()
  .fetch(&mut conn)

// Change a field
user.created_at = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();

// Update the record
let user = user
  .fetch(&mut conn)
UPDATE "users" SET "email" = $1, "created_at" = $2 WHERE "id" = $3 RETURNING *

Instead of fetching the record from the database, you can just instantiate one manually, as long as you know the desired primary key value:

let user = User {
  id: Some(25),
  email: "",
  created_at: OffsetDateTime::now_utc(),

let user = user
  .fetch(&mut conn)

This is very similar to creating new records, except that we set the id field to a known value. When the id is set to Some(i64), Rwf assumes the record exists in the database, meanwhile if the id is None, Rwf will attempt to create one instead.

Update multiple records

Updating multiple records in one query is possible by searching for them first and then calling update_all:

let users = User::all()
  .filter_gte("created_at", OffsetDateTime::now_utc() - Duration::hours(1))
    ("created_at", OfssetDateTime::now_utc()),
  .fetch_all(&mut conn)
UPDATE "users" SET created_at = $1 WHERE created_at >= $2