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Templates in controllers

Using templates in controllers typically involves rendering them inside a request handler and returning the result as HTML, for example:

struct Index;

impl Controller for Index {
    async fn handle(&self, request: &Request) -> Result<Response, Error> {
        let template = Template::load("templates/index.html")?;
        let ctx = context!("title" => "Home page");
        let rendered = template.render(&ctx)?;


The template will be loaded from the template cache, rendered with the provided context, and used as a body for a response with the correct Content-Type header.

Render macro

Since it's very common to render templates inside controllers, Rwf has the render! macro to make it less verbose:

impl Controller for Index {
    async fn handle(&self, request: &Request) -> Result<Response, Error> {
        render!(request, "templates/index.html", "title" => "Home page")

The render! macro takes the request as the first argument, the template path, and optionally a mapping of variable names and values. It returns a Response automatically.

If the template doesn't have any variables, you can omit them:

render!(request, "templates/index.html")

Passing the request into the macro ensures that secure CSRF protection tokens are generated automatically.

Response code

By default, the render! macro returns the rendered template with HTTP code 200 OK. If you want to return a different code, pass it as the last argument to the macro:

render!(request, "templates/index.html", "title" => "Home page", 201)